Latest Stable Version
Requires Firefox 2.0 or Trunk.
Install Gamer Tools From Mozilla Add-ons
Latest Development Build
Requires Trunk. It is usually more stable than the 'stable' builds. Check back often for updated builds. There is no auto update except to stable releases.
Gamer Tools 0.4.0 For Firefox 3
How To Use
- Add A Server In Options (Or "Manage Servers" in Main Menu)
- Update All Servers By Hovering Over Main Menu Button
- Update Current Server By Hovering Over Current Server Status (Or "Update Now" Menu Item)
- Rotate The Current Server With The Scroll Wheel (Or "Switch Server" Menu)
- Variables are in the form of [%variable name%]. Javascript statements are within [| and |]. For example, [|Number([%kills%])/Number([%deaths%])|] would be replaced with the kill to death ratio.
- Rotation Interval
- How Often The Current Server Should Rotate to The Next Server (In Minutes)
- Please do not set this below 10 minutes if you are using Firefox 2.
- Update Interval
- How Often to Update The Current Server (In Minutes)
- Please do not set this below 10 minutes if you are using Firefox 2.
- Show Debug Messages
- Whether To Show Debugging Messages In The Firefox Error Console
Server Configuration
A description of the server configuration options and an example America's Army server.
- Protocol
- The query protocol used by the server. Press 'Games List' to get a list of the most popular games and their query protocols.
- GameSpy 2
- Host
- The hostname or IP address of the server. LAN hosts are only supported in Firefox Trunk.
- Query Port
- The query port that the server uses. This is not always the same as the game port. Press 'Games List' to get a list of the most popular games and their default query ports.
- 1717
- Status Toolbar Format
- The format to use in the Firefox toolbar.
- [%hostname%]: [%mapname%] ([%numplayers%]/[%maxplayers%])
- Tooltip Status Format
- The format to use for the status in the extended tooltip.
[%mapname%] ([%numplayers%]/[%maxplayers%])
Round [%current_round%] ([%mission_time%]) - Tooltip Player Format
- The format to use for the player list in the extended tooltip.
- [|pad([%honor%],3, " ", 1)|] [|pad([%player%],20, " ", 1)|] [|pad([%enemy%]/10,2, " ", 0)|] Kills [|pad([%kia%]/-10,2, " ", 0)|] Deaths Score: [%score%]